Getting outdoors
The first order of business is to get rid of all the leaves that somehow never got raked last fall. It's kind of a treasure hunt to see what's underneath. Bulbs, of course. Nepeta already greening up. Hellebores in glorious bloom. I think I spotted some foxgloves! I have such trouble getting them to winter over, but this was such a mild winter....
This won't be morphing entirely into a garden blog. But it may become the main topic of conversation for a while.
Cleaning out all the debris in the spring and seeing what's underneath is one of my favorite garden chores.
I was happy to discover that a bunch of plants (columbine, coral bells, day lilies) I transplanted from Mom's gardens (under, FAR less than ideal circumstances) seem to have made it. I was resigned to the idea that they all might die, but appears better than half have survived--yay!
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