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A favorite blogger writes: "What has happened to all the women who are done with child-rearing? Young voices permeate the blogosphere." What do sixty-something women do with their lives, especially if they do not have full-time jobs? We're here to find that out.
I quickly read through this post and want to return and take more time with it but two comments. One, I love the way you do things serendipitiously. One hour turns into five and then you take yourself to dinner. Marvelous.
The second is I grew up in Connecticut. Dad went to Yale. He often took us in to New Haven to the Peabody Museum and the Art Museum. I love that place. Where i saw my first and only Van Gogh. Course I'm sure it has greatly changed. Upscale now. Be well, Suki
OK I've had time to click on the links. That does sound like a fascinating show, the White. Wonderful it survived. Painters then were like photographers in a way, recording "what is."
I have read a lot about that era in Paris but somehow don't recall the Murphy's. Interesting too.
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