I very much liked this simple kitchen. The big cupboard just inside the back door solves the "no mud room" problem. I loved the concrete countertops.
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A favorite blogger writes: "What has happened to all the women who are done with child-rearing? Young voices permeate the blogosphere." What do sixty-something women do with their lives, especially if they do not have full-time jobs? We're here to find that out.
I love the look of that kitchen!! I was surprised at how shiny concrete counters looked. Any more pictures of that room?
I love seeing houses. Yes, the kitchen seems quite practical and cheerful. The blackboard wall is stupendous. Good luck making your pond. And enjoyed the art show tour and a peek at your pastel. I thought it was lovely. Bravo for being in the show.
I only took those two - sorry! The designer (who was there) is Elise Blatt. email is Phone is 973 566 0240. She volunteered the name of the company that made the cabinets, which I promptly forgot. But I'm sure she'd be receptive to any inquiries.
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