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A favorite blogger writes: "What has happened to all the women who are done with child-rearing? Young voices permeate the blogosphere." What do sixty-something women do with their lives, especially if they do not have full-time jobs? We're here to find that out.
Great post. I am all for lawn reduction myself. Very funny abt the newspapers. And so wonderful you have found all you needed right at hand, the wood, the future mulch. Looking good.
You have me totally confused, and I hope you will explain:
Am I to understand that you start a new border or flowerbed right on top of your grass? With only a flimsy layer of inky printed paper to shield the new bed from grass growing through? And this works??
And then the second question: you were joking about the termites, right? You wouldn't introduce them into your own garden.
I am not being critcial here, just very surprised at this practice. Please enlighten me on how you made this work before. Anything to avoid digging and removing grass ;-)
Yes, believe it or not, it works! The system is described in a book called "Lasagna Gardening" by Patricia Lanza. Well, the newspapers, at any rate. The termites - well - termites are pretty much everywhere in the outdoors. I don't really know that they're in the woodpile - I'm just assuming so. Where you don't want them is in your HOUSE. So when a termite company comes to treat your house (if it is needed) they don't actually do anything to destroy the termites; they just install a chemical barrier around the house perimiter to prevent the termites from crossing.
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