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Monday, September 08, 2008

Synchronized sliding

Can two posts in rapid succession make up for a long silence? Probably not, but I will never be more than an occasional blogger. So - whatever.

Earlier today I had drafted a cranky post that rambled on about how discouraged I was about the garden. The combination of the Adirondack trip, and a long visit from the daughters and grandkids made for too much garden neglect, and neglect is not good for gardens. But then I came across this reassuring post, in which another gardener confesses to having neglected HER garden. Not only that, but a stream of commenters chimed in to confess that they TOO had neglected their gardens. So now I feel better. Isn't that a very good thing about blogs?

Anyhow, I didn't think I had taken ANY photos when the children were here, but when I downloaded the egg pictures I found just this one, which reminded me of one of the favorite activities. Both of them appear here, about to embark on one of many "synchronized slides", with Aunt H "judging" from the sidelines: EIGHT POINT THREE! she would call out. "Eight point three!" C would exclaim to L, and they would swim to their respective ladders, climb to the top, and try again. And again, and again.

I can always catch up with the weeds and the mulch, but who would want to miss a minute of synchronized sliding?


Blogger joco said...

Not scolding, just nudging ;-)

4:40 AM  
Blogger Cate said...

LOLOLOL. I think my favorite part is the goggles-- a necessary component of synchronized sliding?

And garden neglect? I think I would consider mine abandoned at this point! :o

10:41 AM  
Blogger sukipoet said...

And Aunt did not attempt a slide? Then she'd really forget about the garden neglect. What fun.

11:05 AM  

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