The Illusionist

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A favorite blogger writes: "What has happened to all the women who are done with child-rearing? Young voices permeate the blogosphere." What do sixty-something women do with their lives, especially if they do not have full-time jobs? We're here to find that out.
I thought you would like this one! I am reading Millhauser's _The Barnum Museum_ now, and really enjoying it.
It's arriving tomorrow! Can't wait. Just watched Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. Not sure I'd recommend to this blog's readership, but it was pretty funny. I'll have to watch Supersize Me to cancel out the resulting burger cravings. ib
About Harold and Kumar (which I haven't seen), I saw that the French title for the film is "Harold and Kumar chassent le burger." Sometimes I feel it's the other way around-- that burgers are pursuing me while I try to avoid eating them.
But I never have understood the appeal of White Castle under any circumstances. Not with all those good NJ diners around.
I think the appeal is you can eat 30 of the White Castles in one sitting. Part of the Harold and Kumar storyline includes enormous bags of pot, if that helps you to understand their White Castle (vs diner burger) quest. ib
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