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Thursday, June 14, 2007


My primary reason for being in Boston was to be a stand-in soccer mom while G and B made a quick trip to Chicago. But Friday was a school day, so I made time for a quick visit to Fairsted, the Frederick Law Olmsted home and office in Brookline.

As it turned out, the site is officially closed for renovations, but the grounds - an oversized suburban yard, really - were open and available for exploration. The stately elm (a rare sight nowadays) was an Olmsted "signature" - on display, like a piece of sculpture.

That soft and pleasant-looking groundcover is Bishop's Weed - Aegopodium podograria. Otherwise known as goutweed. I have heard that it is terribly invasive, to be avoided at all costs, especially the non-variegated kind which is said to be most rampant, and was surprised to see it here. But perhaps updating the plantings is part of the planned renovation?

I'll look forward to a return visit after 2010 when the work is scheduled for completion and the interior will be open.


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