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A favorite blogger writes: "What has happened to all the women who are done with child-rearing? Young voices permeate the blogosphere." What do sixty-something women do with their lives, especially if they do not have full-time jobs? We're here to find that out.
Thank Heavens you're blogging again. And through sleet and snow! The universe is right again. ib
I miss New York!
(Personally I find this one mini-mall not nearly as offensive as the suburban counterparts. It's small, the focus is on Whole Foods, eateries and Borders and it doesn't meander into eternity. And it looks out on Central Park. Did I say this -- I miss New York!)
How does one snag rehearsal tickets? That sounds really interesting. Glad the snow didn't trap you inside!
Often it's a matter of making a small annual donation to the organization (Friends of Carnegie Hall or whatever); rules should be spelled out in their literature. Might even be free in some areas.
Yes, Nina, TW has many redeeming features. And it addresses the urban context issue of "turning its back" to the streetscape fairly well by having a lot of glass and multiple entry points, rather like an arcade. Worst offender in this regard is the Stamford Ct Mall. What a behemoth.
Often it's a matter of making a small annual donation to the organization (Friends of Carnegie Hall or whatever); rules should be spelled out in their literature. Might even be free in some areas.
Yes, Nina, TW has many redeeming features. And it addresses the urban context issue of "turning its back" to the streetscape fairly well by having a lot of glass and multiple entry points, rather like an arcade. Worst offender in this regard is the Stamford Ct Mall. What a behemoth.
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